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CWL at TED Countdown: The role for women in climate

(L to R): Pat Mitchell, Mary Robinson, Jade Begay, Emily Moody, Ronda Carnegie

This year's TED Countdown brought together global innovators, business executives, scientists, policymakers, next generation leaders, artists, activists and more, all of whom are determined to create a better future.

(L to R clockwise): Mapem Lanigan, Adanna Steinacker, Helen Watts, Emily Moody, Shivi Dwivedi, Meagan Fallone, Jasveen Brar, Chelsea Miller, Catalina Santelices, Ronda Carnegie, Dan Mitchell, and Jacob Beautemps

We started the week by curating a dinner filled with inspiring youth activists and leaders in the climate space. Helen Watts, Executive Director of Student Energy, Adanna Steinacker, Digital creator for House of Adanna, Shivi Dwivedi, Leader of Youth and Gender Engagement for High-Level Climate Champions COP28 and more joined us for an evening of community and connection to kick off a week of climate solutions.

CWL was also thrilled to host a Breakout Session during TED Countdown, titled 'When Women Lead, Action Follows.' Together we explored how women's leadership unlocks the climate solutions we urgently need.

During the session, we presented Project Dandelion, which highlights the critical connection between climate and gender justice and posits that the climate crisis is a communication crisis. We encouraged all participants to view their work through a gender lens, ultimately encouraging them to become climate solvers.

Our discussion with CWL members Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, and Jade Begay, Climate Justice and Indigenous Rights Expert, was a highlight. Together, we delved into the impact of our work on gender justice and urged everyone to think about ways they can intersect and enhance their effectiveness in climate and gender justice efforts. We discussed ways to connect with and support gender justice work in our communities, recognizing that change starts at the grassroots level.

The real magic happened during the small group discussions. It was heartening to witness passionate participants sharing their thoughts and ideas, many of which are captured in the summary below.

This TED Countdown Breakthrough Session was a reminder that, together, we have the power to effect meaningful change. Let's keep the conversation alive and the momentum strong.

Thank you to everyone who joined our session and shared their insights. Your passion and dedication inspire us to push the boundaries of what's possible.

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