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CWL at TEDWomen: When women lead, action follows

TEDWomen is a spectacularly global and diverse community at the intersection of technology, entertainment, design, science, social justice, and education.

At this year's TEDWomen, Connected Women Leaders had the opportunity to hold a Discovery Session titled, 'When women lead, action follows.' During this 90 minute, fully booked session, we explored the ways that women in particular can contribute to the pressing global issue of climate justice. With a panel of CWL members, including Jade Begay (climate justice and indigenous rights expert), Katharine Wilkinson (Co-Founder of All We Can Save Project), Ronda Carnegie (Co-Founder of CWL), and Hafsat Abiola (Co-Founder of CWL), we looked at the intersection between women's leadership and climate action and unpacked how we bring two billion more women into this conversation.

(L to R): Ronda Carnegie, Co-Founder of CWL, Hafsat Abiola, Co-Founder of CWL, Jade Begay, climate justice and indigenous rights expert, Katharine Wilkinson, Co-Founder of All We Can Save Project

The table discussions that followed the panel were a highlight of the session. Each of the 9 tables discussed a different question around how they can make the climate crisis personal in their own lives and networks. We heard from corporate representatives, who shared they'd be taking what they learned back to their offices. We heard from male allies, who raised up the women in their lives that brought them to the table. We heard from activists, who asked for those in the room to have their backs as they build a climate safe future on the frontlines of the movement.

These sharebacks were incredibly inspiring and uplifting, and we thank all the TEDWomen attendees who participated.

Connected Women Leaders also had the honor of partnering our Project Dandelion campaign with Better Earth -- a sustainable packaging solutions company. Together we provided the utensils, cups, and to-go containers for TEDWomen, all of which were recyclable, biodegradable, or compostable. It was motivating to see TEDWomen's commitment to sustainability this year, and we hope this commitment continues and strengthens in the years to come.

Ronda Carnegie, CWL Co-Founder and recognized thought leader in the women and gender space, put it best when describing our time at TEDWomen:

This was a transformative week. We entered the session a group of strangers and left as a collective of Dandelions, ready to activate for climate justice in our communities.


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