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If your banks don’t care about climate change—ask them why

Thirteen-year old Ellyanne Chlystun-Githae has a serious message for the adults in the world: “While you are worrying about whether you have enough money to retire, people my age are worried about surviving in a world that is rapidly warming.”

These days, Chlystun-Githae and other young people refuse to be silenced when it comes to the link between banks and climate change—maybe because at this point their lives depend on it.

"To me, it’s basic: If your banks don’t care about climate change—ask them why,” said Chlystun-Githae. “Ask the hard questions. Demand change and put your money behind it. Tell them that even the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres declared that it is time to end the addiction to fossil fuels.”

While young people can and do amplify their voices, for the most part, adults—and their employers—hold the money.

Read the full article here:


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