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Omega: Women and Power

This giide is designed to capture some of the compelling conversations that took place during the weekend conference of Omega, Women and Power. You’ll be introduced to the inspiring work of two conference attendees and also get to listen in as conference attendees share their thoughts on the current challenges and progress for women.

Ronda is the Chief Innovation Officer of FQ leading the Business of Equality Practice. Known for her role as part of the leadership team building the TED brand, she founded the TEDInstitute created to work with a group of select companies and foundations to identify internal ideators, inventors, connectors, and creators. Drawing on the same rigorous regimen that has prepared speakers for the TED main stage, TED Institute works closely with each partner, overseeing curation and fact-checking and providing intensive one-on-one talk development to sharpen and fine tune ideas. The culmination is an event that is produced, filmed, and hosted by TED, generating a growing library of valuable, vetted TED Talks that showcase original research, spur innovation, and can transform organizations.

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